Dishonest prover vs Dishonest block producer

:wave: Hi there, I was exploring the Celestia data availability network and I had a few doubts:

The validator nodes take arbitrary transaction data and construct blocks, generating 2D Reed Solomon Encoding for the data.

So, if I understand validator takes the transaction data of the block from any chain eg if this is the block data from ethereum:

Then validator takes this data and adds the RS encoding on top of it.

Then if the validator produces the invalid block light client gets fraud-proof from other honest validators. Then let us suppose a validator produces the invalid block and another validator provides the fraud-proof. Then in this case whom shall the light client trust ?? As I light client I don’t know if block producer is cheating or the prover is giving proof of invalid block

In Celestia, validators produce blocks that bridge nodes pick up. The bridge nodes extend the block via erasure coding and serve it to the data availability network for light nodes to DAS. If the erasure coding is incorrect, light nodes will get fraud proofs from honest full nodes they are connected to.

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