Celestia v3 upgrade has happened at 2993219 block. After the upgrade the average block time has decreased from 10s to 5s. But the slashing module parameters remain the same:
"SignedBlocksWindow": 5000,
"MinSignedPerWindow": 0.75
Which means that validators have approximately 1h45 min to restore their node in case of emergency or migration. This is definitely not enough to handle any node incident.
By submitting this proposal we offer to change SignedBlocksWindow from 5000 to 10000. That will give the validators approximately 3h30min to solve any occurred problem; and this changes will restore the slashing timespanes to the pre-upgrade values.
Voting YES for this proposal will adjust the SignedBlocksWindow parameter to 10000 blocks.
Voting NO for this proposal will keep the SignedBlocksWindow parameter as is.
- Pro-Nodes75 validator
- P-OPS team validator